Detailed programme
20 March 2024 (Wednesday)
21 March 2024 (Thursday) – Scientific part 21 March 2024 (Thursday) – Educational part 22 March 2024 (Friday) – Scientific part 22 March 2024 (Friday) – Educational part
22 March 2024 (Friday) – Matchmaking Session
On the first day, the programme will be moderated by , journalist and editor-in-chief of E15.
Nikita Poljakov is a journalist with 15 years of experience in the field. Currently, he serves as the editor in chief of E15 journal, which, along with the website and E15 magazine, provides a comprehensive and current news source on domestic and global economics, politics, business, and finance.
Nikita is the recipient of two journalism awards from OFS – for the projects “Dezinformace: co pro vás znamenají lži” (Disinformation: What Lies Mean to You) and “Nejsi sám” (You Are Not Alone).
The E15 journal is part of the Czech News Center (CNC) portfolio, a leader in the Czech media market.
Opening & Welcome
Opening by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Karel Bouzek (HYTEP, CZ)
Opening by the Chairman of the Board
Aleš Doucek (HYTEP, CZ)
Welcome address by the Executive Vice-President (video message)
Maroš Šefčovič (European Commission, EU)
Welcome address by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade
Petr Třešňák (Ministry of Industry and Trade, CZ)
Welcome address by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Czech Republic
H.E. Jurgen van Meirvenne (Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium, B)
Welcome address by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Czech Republic
H.E. Daan Huisinga (Embassy of the Netherlands in Czechia, NL)
Welcome address by the President of the Hydrogen Association of India
Alok Sharma (Hydrogen Association of India, IN)
Welcome address by the Executive Director ad interim of Clean Hydrogen Partnership (online)
Mirela Atanasiu (Clean Hydrogen Partnership, EU)
10:30–10:50 Coffee Break
Implementation challenges in Hydrogen regions
HEAVENN: Chances & Challenges for future Hydrogen Valleys
Deborah Goeree (New Energy Coalition, NL)
Belgium as a frontrunner in hydrogen: H2 ecosystem, projects & infrastructure and main hurdles
Guy Verkoeyen (WaterstofNet, B)
Implementing Hydrogen Regions in Germany
Annett Weß (National Organization for H2 and Fuel Cells, D)
Hydrogen strategy, applications and value chain in Saxony
Frederik Wewetzer (KH2,Hzwo, D)
Practical steps towards the development of the hydrogen economy in the Ústí Region
Karel Tichý (Ústí Region, CZ)
Vision and strategy for the application of hydrogen technologies in the Moravian-Silesian region
Daniel Minařík & Vladimír Maryška (Moravian-Silesian region, CZ)
Hydrogen Valley in Košice Region
Katarína Sasaráková (Košice hydrogen region, SK)
12:50–13:30 Lunch
13:30–14:15 POSTER SESSION (Foyer East)
Implementation challenges in industry
The future of fuel cells: a perspective to compliance
Isotta Cerri (Toyota Europe, B)
Low carbon hydrogen, an opportunity for Europe
Bert de Backker (ExxonMobil, CZ)
New regulation and its impact on hydrogen projects
Petr Kůt (Unipetrol Orlen, CZ)
Think big, act fast - and start locally. How we manage the rapid ramp-up of the global hydrogen economy
Stefan Kaufmann (world energy GH2, CA)
European cooperation vital for the roll-out of hydrogen infrastructure
Bert Kiewiet (Gasunie, NL)
Current developments of the German Hydrogen core network
Erik Kolstø (Open Grid Europe, D)
Czech Hydrogen Backbone for connecting Europe and kickstarting Czech H2 economy
Ondřej Šabata (NET4GAS, CZ)
European H2 academy
Robert Steinberger-Wilckens (University of Birmingham, UK)
16:15-16:45 Coffee Break
Panel discussion: Lost in Regulation? Navigating H2 implementation across Germany and other countries in Central Europe
Moderated by Nikita Poljakov
- Viktor Horváth (Ministry of Energy of Hungary)
- Petr Mervart (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic)
- Michael Sterner (National Hydrogen Council, Germany)
- Martin Tengler (BloombergNEF)
- Ján Weiterschütz (Slovak National Hydrogen Association)